Hill Haven Youth Ranch
Hill Haven Youth Ranch will be a non-profit focused on serving the community by encouraging, equipping, and empowering the next generation of difference makers through equine, outdoor, agriculture, technology, arts, and faith based programs, activities, and ministry in collaboration with other organizations with like values and goals. We are currently doing ministry and hope to file for non-profit status and have a grand opening in 2015.
Hill Haven Grapevine Nursery
Hill Haven Grapevine Nursery will begin as a 14 acre increase block with a mission of growing clean and healthy certified materials that our partner, Knights Grapevine Nursery, will use to produce finished vines. Materials not needed by Knights Grapevine Nursery will be available to other nurseries and vineyards. We plan to plant in Fall of 2015.
Hill Haven Systems
Hill Haven Systems provides complete top to bottom turnkey engineering services spanning systems engineering, mechanical design, hardware design, software design, and systems integration. Our mission is delivering innovative, efficient, optimal solutions. Our customers currently include Northrop Grumman, Knights Grapevine Nursery, and local businesses. We plan to develop intelligent equipment for grapevine budwood and rootstock processing and are currently developing an industry transforming near-realtime inventory system in partnership with Knights Grapevine Nursery for nurseries and their customers.